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Friday, March 21, 2008

"Whats a Voter to Belive"

OK,so we are being told that Obama's passport file was looked(breached)at and so was McCain's and Clinton's. Well what does this mean? It means that their stuff got looked at by two people in government and that is not news,the fBI does it everyday . We get our stuff looked at all the time by all kinds of people,they are acting like this is something new,come on,information of all kinds is looked at by lots of people that probably should not be seeing it everyday. The fact that there are programs in place on these computers to catch people looking at peoples stuff that should be good enough and it is for me.The real thing here is that the campaign of Obama's and the media and the dems want this passport thing to not go away,he needs this to distract the voter's from the issue of his pastor and other's that are anti American and divisive on the race issue's. I don't think that you will see it get investigated by congress though,not on hillarys watch.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

"Gun saftey in a Toddler"

This is great and i took it from my daughters blog and i hope she doesn't sue me or cut me off from the grandsons. The instructing that my pre-school grandson is teaching to my toddler grandson is proof that you can teach children to be safe with guns and you should this instruction for sure came from Dad and Mom,hear what he taught. " our neighbor kids seemed to have taught the toddler the lovely "pow pow" and he's attached himself to this play pistol...great. At least when we were at a friends house yesterday, I overheard the preschooler say "Hey, we don't shoot people, we shoot deer and elk!"

Two hunter"s and safe gun handler"s in the making only 9 more years and we will have him in hunter ed, can't wait.