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Friday, December 14, 2007

Christmas and Heroes

So what do you think about at this special time of year,family, your sweety,party's ,gifts you have on your list or the ones you are looking forward to giving. That pretty much is what i think a lot of our time is consumed by at this time of year. I can't say that usually i sit and think about what it is that i have been given in being an American with the gift of freedom. I know we all use this gift alot even when we don't realize it, we have the freedom to decide what we do for a living freedom of where in the whole country you want to live whether we will go to church or not and which one to go to . Then there's the choice of self defense whether we want to carry a weapon or not or have one in our home,who we are going to marry or not to marry or go to college,have children or not. These are all big decision's that we have been given the right by our creator to make,each and everyone of us. This year more than ever i have been thinking of those that insure that freedom the generations of men and women before me and the ones now.These men and women most of them are served their country because they belived in America and what she stands for and want to see her stay free. These brave few have answered the call to do their duty as they feel this is their job . I think about these folks this year at Christmas and their families that will be seperated from each other the Dad's and moms,brothers and sisters and how thankful that i am to them for their sacrifices for the freedom of people they don't even know. I think of those that have paid the supreme price this past year and their families that will not see them until heaven. Thank you my fellow veterans,thank you service men and women and the families that support and love you. I know that freedom is not free and you are standing to show the world why we are free. God Bless our troops and God Bless their families and God Bless America.